Sunday, August 26, 2012

11 Weeks

How far along? 11 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: holding steady, I haven't gained anything
Maternity clothes? where are the maternity clothes I ordered?  I am beginning to NEED them!  Thank goodness for free flowing summer dresses.
Stretch marks? No
Best moment this week:  Celebrating Baby Fox with family and hearing my nieces ask about Teddy
Miss anything: the ability to help and move office items, silly I know but I feel lazy
Movement:  Too early to feel any movement yet
Food cravings: once again pear crisp and I successfully accomplished making my homemade recipe and it was everything I hoped for
Anything making you queasy or sick? tater tot casserole (even though I just had it 5 days ago and I felt fine)  chocolate gives me major heartburn too
Have you started to show yet: I think my bloat is pretty noticeable
Gender: TBD
Labor Signs: Way too early for that
Belly Button in or out? Still in
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy normally, just extremely tired (as always)
Looking forward to: Anatomy scan even though I have at least a month until I know and my next appointment on September 13th!

10 Weeks

On August 23rd we had our 10 week appointment.  I had worried a little bit about this appointment because I knew I would be attending it alone and for some silly reason I felt like that would jinx our pregnancy.  Steve is my rock, he calms my nerves in that waiting room and not having him there made me feel so alone and vulnerable.  Off I went to the ultrasound room to see Teddy for the 3rd time.

Good news once again!  Teddy continued to measure ahead at 10weeks 5days with a heartbeat of 173 beats per minute.  Relief washed through me and Teddy danced inside.  For a long time I felt if I made it to 10 weeks things were really going to be happening and in 6-7 months we would have our Rainbow Baby safe in our arms.

Teddy at 10weeks 5 days and dancing!
Baby Bump!
How far along? 10 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: holding steady, I haven't gained anything
Maternity clothes? Things are feeling a little snug and sometimes it takes a long time to figure out what to wear. Thank goodness for the rubber band trick. I do have some maternity clothes on order!
Stretch marks? No
Best moment this week: Seeing our sweet baby dancing during the ultrasound and hearing that heartbeat
Miss anything: Cheeseburgers
Movement:  Too early to feel any movement yet
Food cravings: Pizza (as always) and pear crisp
Anything making you queasy or sick? meat mostly
Have you started to show yet: Maybe to those who know, but I don't think it's too noticeable yet
Gender: TBD
Labor Signs: Way too early for that
Belly Button in or out? Still in
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy normally, just extremely tired
Looking forward to: The 2nd trimester


After our 8 week appointment we decided to let our family know of our long awaited surprise.  That weekend we were planning on attending the 3rd Annual Moyer Family Reunion that would bring together our immediate family.  Steve and I tossed around ideas on how we would tell.  My 3 year old niece was playing with her side walk chalk and I thought I could incorporate that in to our announcement.  After breakfast on Saturday morning, I grabbed the pink and blue and wrote out our due date.

It didn't take too long for attention to be drawn to my artwork.  My Sister in Luv Kim, immediately asked "is that what I think it is?"  The whole group figured it out right away.  The funny part, I had 2 nieces who have been speculating that I was pregnant for over 2 weeks and have been discussing their reasonings with our family.  Apparently, I must have acted really tired and I wouldn't do cart wheels and that was a dead giveaway for them.  We were so excited to share our news and so very thankful for the joy our family shared with us.  As the day progressed our extended family found out of our secret.  I have been very open with our struggled and many people shared what a blessing and how happy they were for us.  I will never forget this day.  It was absolutely perfect!

A few days later I couldn't wait any longer and I just had to post our news to Facebook!  I want to thank all of are family and friends who have supported and prayed for us during this journey.  There is no way we would be where we are without each of you.  Thank you for your love!


On August 8th, we were scheduled for our 2nd appointment to check in on Baby Fox.  Nerves continued.  Sitting in the waiting room is always difficult, my mind normally goes to worst case scenarios and "what ifs."   The moment we see Baby Fox on the ultrasound screen I breath a sigh of relief and celebrate "WE MADE IT ANOTHER 2 WEEKS!"  At 8 weeks this is the furthest we have ever been in any pregnancy.  Could it really be real?

Baby Fox was looking more like a Teddy Graham on August 8th and received the nickname Teddy.  Teddy is has become a term of endearment and thinking about Teddy just warms my heart.  Teddy was still measuring ahead at 8weeks 4days with a heart beat of 174 beats per minute!  Several friends and family were already guessing girl at this point.  We still have awhile to find out, but I will be happy with either gender as long as their is a healthy living baby in our arms come March 2013!

Baby Fox's aka Teddy's 2nd Photo!


Ever since I found out I was pregnant I have been holding my breath.  I have wanted to update this blog on all the happiness and thankfulness I experience throughout my day.  And share the many exciting things about this true blessing.  I am no longer holding my breath, waiting for something bad to happen.  It's time to celebrate our Rainbow Baby and share!

6 Weeks - Due to my past losses and being absolutely terrified of another pregnancy, my Dr. gave me the opportunity for an early ultrasound at 6 weeks.  I am truly thankful that Steve and I were able to go in early and have this done.  My nerves were shot, wondering what we would see and how things would go.  On July 26th, 2012 we got to see Baby Fox for the very first time!  And guess what?  Baby Fox was perfect!  He or she was measuring ahead of schedule at 6 weeks 5 days and we were even able to hear the heartbeat.  It was 120 beats per minute.  The moment I saw this little "blob" I was in love.  It almost felt surreal that that moment really happened.  After the ultrasound we met with our Dr. and she was very impressed with how things were going.  Of course in the back of my mind, I wondered what the next 6 weeks would bring, but happy and so very thankful to God for this blessing.  Another great thing about my Dr.  to ease our worries and fears she scheduled me to come in 2 weeks later to see baby again!

6weeks 5days ultrasound - Baby Fox's 1st Picture!
Baby Bump!