Sunday, August 26, 2012


After our 8 week appointment we decided to let our family know of our long awaited surprise.  That weekend we were planning on attending the 3rd Annual Moyer Family Reunion that would bring together our immediate family.  Steve and I tossed around ideas on how we would tell.  My 3 year old niece was playing with her side walk chalk and I thought I could incorporate that in to our announcement.  After breakfast on Saturday morning, I grabbed the pink and blue and wrote out our due date.

It didn't take too long for attention to be drawn to my artwork.  My Sister in Luv Kim, immediately asked "is that what I think it is?"  The whole group figured it out right away.  The funny part, I had 2 nieces who have been speculating that I was pregnant for over 2 weeks and have been discussing their reasonings with our family.  Apparently, I must have acted really tired and I wouldn't do cart wheels and that was a dead giveaway for them.  We were so excited to share our news and so very thankful for the joy our family shared with us.  As the day progressed our extended family found out of our secret.  I have been very open with our struggled and many people shared what a blessing and how happy they were for us.  I will never forget this day.  It was absolutely perfect!

A few days later I couldn't wait any longer and I just had to post our news to Facebook!  I want to thank all of are family and friends who have supported and prayed for us during this journey.  There is no way we would be where we are without each of you.  Thank you for your love!

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